Dog Anxiety Tips

  • Secrets to easier vet visits

    Secrets to easier vet visits

    Dogs are nervous in unfamiliar territory – especially in the vet’s office! With the new smells and sounds in the environment, your dog doesn’t know what to expect.

  • How natural products like Souroubea spp. help reduce anxiety in dogs

    How natural products like Souroubea spp. help reduce anxiety in dogs

    Fear-related anxiety, as the name suggests, is triggered by events that scare the animal. It is most often felt by dogs when they hear loud noises or are exposed to a new environment. For example, a noisy grooming facility or a trip to the vet.
  • How Souroubea naturally helps calm dogs

    How Souroubea naturally helps calm dogs

    Quite amazingly, the Souroubea plant was proven to also reduce stress-induced cortisol in dogs. An experiment to show the effectiveness of the Souroubea spp. revealed that the plant extract had the capacity to create greater inactivity and also facilitate a state of less anxiety in dogs when exposed to anxiety-infusing situations.
  • How Brave Paws helps with dog anxiety

    How Brave Paws helps with dog anxiety

    In fact, anxiety has been proven to be regularly occurring in dogs. Experts have found that as many as 72.5% of dogs suffer from anxiety due to different stimuli. Just like with people, dogs feel anxiety for all sorts of reasons.
  • What is separation anxiety?

    What is separation anxiety?

    Separation anxiety in dogs is the overwhelming feeling of distress when separated from their owner and in turn, can cause behavior problems. A dog doesn’t understand “time” and can begin to feel this way shortly after being left alone.
  • Does my dog have anxiety?

    Does my dog have anxiety?

    Dogs are emotional creatures and can become overly attached to their owner or family, following them from room to room in the house and resisting being left alone outside.