Break out the flags, fireworks, and heat up the’s time to celebrate the Fourth of July!
As Americans everywhere get ready to mark Independence Day, there is one four- legged family member we can’t forget – our dogs. Many dogs find July 4th difficult. The day is filled with loud noises. Additionally, there might be friends visiting from out of town and children running around. Or very strange looking objects close by, like parade floats, sparklers, and balloons.
This can all be scary for an anxious dog!
So, to prepare your pooch for the Fourth of July, My Pet Candy has 3 super easy ideas that will help them relax (and hopefully enjoy the day, too).
Idea #1: Exercise Your Dog
Have you ever gotten pregame jitters? Or felt stressed before a big test?
One of the best ways to deal with anxiety for both humans and dogs is by providing an outlet for all that frenzied energy. For example, you can take your pup for a long walk. Have a pool? Go for a swim. Play fetch in the backyard. Do some obedience training. Anything that gets your dog moving.
Basically, the goal is to tucker them out.
Exercising a dog before the Fourth of July festivities get into full swing is a fantastic way to ensure the afternoon and evening go smoothly. With so much energy burned, it’s likely they will want to sleep away the opposed to pacing, panting, or barking restlessly.
They relax while you celebrate. It’s a win-win!
Idea #2: Make a Safe and Quiet Space
Secondly, give your dog somewhere to go. Every year, there are unfortunate stories of dogs who broke out of their yard or house on July 4th because they were terrified and tried to escape the “scary” sounds.
Remember, your dog doesn’t understand what a firework is. Even though we know these are harmless, some dogs get extremely worked up by the loud explosions.
The solution?