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Why we care about regenerative farming practices

Why we care about regenerative farming practices

First, Brave Paws teamed up with a female-led farming Co-Op in  on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica involving twenty-three families. Together, they maintain a plantation which allows the company to sustainably source Souroubea plant material without depleting its occurrence in the rainforest.

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How to help your anxious dog

How to help your anxious dog

Anxiety is a common issue in dogs that can be caused by numerous factors, including genetics, past experiences, and changes in the environment. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for treating anxiety, there are some general things you can do to help your furry friend feel more relaxed and comfortable. Check out this article to find ways to help a dog with anxiety.


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Can old dogs have anxiety?

Can old dogs have anxiety?

Dogs look to us for direction and for a sign that this world is safe. Through patience, trust and guidance we can show an older dog that they don’t need to be so afraid after all.


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Safety evaluation of Souroubea spp. and Platanus spp. in dogs

Safety evaluation of Souroubea spp. and Platanus spp. in dogs

In the study, 16 dogs were given either a placebo or the formulation at five times the intended dose for 28 days.  The dogs were monitored for adverse effects. 

The results of the study concluded that there were no clinically significant adverse effects noted though clinical observation, physical examination, bloodwork, and urinalysis evaluation. 

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How to help your anxious pet

How to help your anxious pet

As a dog owner, you should know that many anxiety supplements are safe and effective. Anti-anxiety supplements may improve your dog’s health when they suffer from phobias or panic attacks. It may be comforting to know that even though many dogs struggle with an anxiety disorder, most dogs respond well to treatment.

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Secrets to easier vet visits

Secrets to easier vet visits

Dogs are nervous in unfamiliar territory – especially in the vet’s office! With the new smells and sounds in the environment, your dog doesn’t know what to expect.

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How Souroubea naturally helps calm dogs

How Souroubea naturally helps calm dogs

Quite amazingly, the Souroubea plant was proven to also reduce stress-induced cortisol in dogs. An experiment to show the effectiveness of the Souroubea spp. revealed that the plant extract had the capacity to create greater inactivity and also facilitate a state of less anxiety in dogs when exposed to anxiety-infusing situations.

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How Brave Paws helps with dog anxiety

How Brave Paws helps with dog anxiety

In fact, anxiety has been proven to be regularly occurring in dogs. Experts have found that as many as 72.5% of dogs suffer from anxiety due to different stimuli. Just like with people, dogs feel anxiety for all sorts of reasons.

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