Dog Anxiety Tips
What causes dogs to have separation anxiety?
Ahh that dreaded moment. The one where you come home and the entire couch is ripped up, your rug is peed on and your door has been scratched to pieces. You want to be so angry but you also feel bad. Why did your dog freak out so darn badly? -
Why does my dog hate going to the vet?
Dog owners and dogs alike feel a sense of dread when it comes time to visit the veterinarian. Most dog owners are familiar with having to (sometimes literally) drag their dog from the car to the clinic. It can become...
Does your dog get nervous when you leave? This may help!
Everyone is familiar with how anxiety feels. From studying for a math test in school to those pre-game jitters before a competition, or the nerves you feel walking into the doctor’s office, anxiety is a common occurrence in our daily...
How to help your anxious dog
Anxiety is a common issue in dogs that can be caused by numerous factors, including genetics, past experiences, and changes in the environment. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for treating anxiety, there are some general things you can do to help your furry friend feel more relaxed and comfortable. Check out this article to find ways to help a dog with anxiety.
Can old dogs have anxiety?
Dogs look to us for direction and for a sign that this world is safe. Through patience, trust and guidance we can show an older dog that they don’t need to be so afraid after all.
Why is my dog chewing up my shoes?
Dogs and shoes - the timeless duo. As long as people have had a dog best friend, they’ve also had torn-up shoes. But what is so alluring about shoes for your dog? Why do dogs seem to destroy shoes time and time again? Well, the answer is actually quite straightforward.